
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Oh Darling, Let's Be Adventurers

I have been neglectful in keeping up with this blog.  The end of July came and went in the blink of an eye and I had so much crammed into those last couple of weeks.  Since my last post, so much has happened.  I finished working at my summer job at OSU's Veterinary Teaching Hospital.  It was a rewarding experience that I will never forget.  Working with great doctors and techs really has inspired me in my own career plan.  It is hard to believe I have less than a year until I apply to vet school.  Also since my last post, I made the big move from my parents' house in Tulsa to my house in Denver.  2 weekends ago, I helped my parents load up the rental van with more stuff than I can even imagine.  Blake and I drove with the Goldens in my completely packed Mini Cooper.  We could hardly see out, and I was pretty much sandwiched between bags at all times during the drive.  On the way to Enid to pick up a few things at my grandparents' house, my dad actually rode with us.  How we fit 3 people, 2 dogs, most of the dog stuff, and some of Blake's and my things into that Mini, I will never now, but we all found it pretty hilarious.

After a long 3 days, our house was finally home sweet home.  I didn't even imagine how much work had to be done, but I am so thankful that my entire family helped Blake and I set up the house.  Last Thursday, I took Layla to her first agility class in Denver.  We had a blast and our instructor is phenomenal.  I have never before really had an agility instructor who is qualified to teach agility at the level Layla and I are at, or even agility foundations for that matter.  I really regret that Layla never had a proper introduction to agility and I never learned how to handle from the beginning, but it looks like things are going to change with this new instructor.  Nicole asked if she could work Layla to demonstrate how she wanted me to drive Layla through the course.  I said yes, but I told Nicole that Layla doesn't really enjoy running with other people besides me.  Well, Layla surprised me!  She blasted through the weave poles faster than I have ever seen her do.  And it was all in the way that Nicole was moving her body.  Nicole told me to really exaggerate my movement during the weaves so Layla tries to race me.  Layla is not a dog that offers a lot of speed and distance by herself.  She just isn't very confident working independently.  I will work with the dog that I have.  Nicole is teaching me to find the best lines to really drive Layla around a course.  I can't wait to see Layla improve.

We didn't get much time to settle into the house because early Friday morning, we left for an agility trial in Dolores.  We drove straight through the mountains- it was the most gorgeous drive I have ever been on.  Dolores was tons of fun.  The Colorado agility people are so friendly, the judge was so encouraging and had awesome courses, and I LOVED running on grass.  Layla went 3 for 3 last weekend (we only ran in jumpers).  She hasn't had a weekend that consistent for a very long time.  Lay didn't run as fast as I would have liked, but it was her first time at altitude and first time running on grass.  Our MXJ leg count is up to 8 right now.  I hope we can finish the title in Denver in a few weeks.

Blake and I really turned our dog show trip to Dolores into an adventure.  We took the dogs to a stream Saturday after the trial.  Layla and Jade had a blast splashing around and the water was quite warm considering our location and altitude.  Later, we took the kids for a 3 hour hike.  We all had a blast.  I let Jade off leash and wondered what he would do.  He really surprised me.  Jade stuck to the trail with all of its twists and turns.  He galloped ahead of us, but every time I called, "Where's my puppy??", he turned around and sprinted towards me.  I couldn't be more proud.  Jade has the perfect combination of awareness of his environment and focus on me.  I really attribute his excellent hiking manners to his breeder, Gayle, who took the puppies on daily woods walks when they were old enough.  Blake took some beautiful pictures of the scenery, me, and the kids during the hike.

Now, I am back in Denver.  Ellie, my freshman roommate and still best friend, stayed the night at our house last night with her friend Jenn.  Ellie and Jenn are in the middle of a road trip from Chicago to California to visit a friend of Jenn.  I had so much fun laughing and catching up with Ellie last night.  I miss her so much because we live so far apart now.  Freshman year, we were inseparable.

Jade has his first foundations agility class tonight with Nicole.  I can't wait to see how he does.  The little man amazes me every day.  He is so stinkin' smart, and I just know he will be a blast to run someday!

Layla helping me pack for Denver 

 Jademan plays hard and sleeps hard!

Our new home 

 Water is so much fun

My handsome man 

My baby girl 

"Where's my puppy??" 

So beautiful 

Having a blast 

Jade loves the moutains 

 My sweetie and me

 One of Blake's beautiful pictures

So much sniffing to do! 

My little deer 

Love running outdoors! 

Front cross

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