
About Me

My name is Emily and I live with two very awesome Golden Retrievers, Layla and Jade.  If you haven't already figured it out, this blog will focus mostly on my life with the Goldens and our journeys through trials and training.  However, I may throw in some additional happenings in my life every now and then just for kicks.

I am a student at the University of Denver and I am studying to obtain a biology major with chemistry and mathematics minors- much easier said than done.  I want to go to veterinary school after I complete my undergraduate degree.

To no surprise, much of my free time is spent training, playing, and loving on my dogs.  I began formally training dogs in 2006 when I was 14 years old.  I began with our family's first Golden Retriever, Aubrie.  Aubrie and I went on to earn obedience, agility, and rally titles, but Aubrie had a mind of her own and didn't ever really have the drive to reach the upper levels of agility and obedience.  Aubrie did however love therapy work.  She had a big heart and loved everyone unconditionally.

To pursue my dream to have a competitive dog in obedience and agility, I received Layla for my 15th birthday- the best gift I have every received to this day.  Layla is my heart dog.  She has so many funny quirks that keep me laughing all day long.  Layla is a world class cuddler.  She is a brilliant girl.  In her 5 short years of life, we have earned 20 titles together, and we are working towards earning many more.  I have my eyes set on a MACh and possibly a UD for Layla.  We will see where the future takes us.

My newest addition is little Jade.  Jade comes from Gaylan's Golden Retrievers in Cold Spring, NY.  I have yet to meet my special boy yet, but I can already tell he is such a hoot and a very brilliant boy from my parent's reports.  I have big plans for Jade.  I cannot wait to see where go.

What else do I like?  I like sunshine and summertime.  I like hiking and camping in the mountains.  I like breathing in the mountain air.  I like cooking and baking everything vegan.  I like the smell of the outdoors after it rains.  I like running barefoot in the grass with the Goldens.  I love all of my supportive family and friends.  And I love my wonderful boyfriend.  I love loving life.



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